Teach Me To Be Humble

Be Humble

When you start to get a knack for something you are good at and you bring out to the world, many times people stand in awe of your gifts and in doing so you start to see the value that you bring to the world. It’s a great feeling to know that your not the only one who believes you are good at something.

It is also great to be validated on something you have been working most of your life to master. There have been many times throughout my music career where I found have myself wanting to give up or let my dream fall away. There have also been many times where people have looked at me and question my sanity for going after a dream that only few in this world have ever been able to achieve.

That in itself has been hard thing to get past. But when you love something, you can’t let others stop you from going after that (more on that in another post). But then at some point, if your lucky, you get start to see a dream come alive and all the sudden people validate you and what you are doing and it makes you feel like you are on top of the world.

This where things can get tricky. This is where your most important goal comes to be something you have to constantly achieve: Humility. It is easy to get caught up in the excitement of success and validation, but it is also a dangerous path to go down with out some balance in your perspective.

Instead we have to remain humble, in hopes of keeping a level head. In doing so we can continue to learn and see our gifts and dreams grow into something that can change the lives of the people around us as well as our own.

So while I enjoy that I am seeing the success in music, I have to remember that success will be short lived as long as I believe I don’t have to work any more for it or remain balanced in what I am doing. Humility is what keeps our ego in check and what keeps us pushing forward at all times on our journey.

It seems Success is a lesson short lived without Humility to counter it’s pitfalls and weigh down the scale, keeping things in balance.

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